...a glimpse into the calamitous religious ethos of the 1990s.
Two volumes, 732 pages.The Work at Zion is a journal of a spiritual conversion that turned a ministry upside down. This collection of sermons details a preacher's rediscovery of classic, historical, Protestant Christianity in the midst of of apathy and apostasy. The logical conclusion of modern Christianity is brought to a head and set in stark contrast to God's Word.
This work records the conversion of my theological perspective as it is being reformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Too few Christians today realize that there is an intellectually viable faith alternative to modern liberalism, universalism, Pentecostalism, Arminianism, Catholicism, and hyper-Calvinism. Faithful Evangelicalism is not just another faith perspective, it is nothing more than historic, biblical faith.
Here is offered a glimpse into the calamitous religious ethos of the 1990s. It provides a simple historical record of one man’s growth. It is recorded much like a farmer would record weather patterns to better plan his future crops and aid his children. Consequently, this record may be of special interest to church historians for two reasons: 1) because it demonstrates the tenacity of Calvin’s legacy, and 2) this edition is free from editorial advice that might round its rough edges to make it more marketable.