The teaching of Christ provides protection against the harshness of Old Testament law, and reveals God’s grace, which trumps God’s law for those who are “in Christ,” those who take advantage of Christ’s teaching. To read the Old Testament apart from the light of Christ constitutes a grave error for us who live on the resurrection side of the cross of Christ.
The following is a response to: The Real Issue (that no one wants to talk about) To argue that the real issue for homosexual detractors is personal revulsion is an […]
Robert D. Putnam and David E. Campbell wrote an article, Walking away from church, for the LA Times (10/17/2010) summarizing their recent book, American Grace. It seems that churches might […]
“God in America” will be broadcast on PBS for three nights starting Oct. 11, 2010. Stephen Prothero, a religion professor at Boston University, makes a similar point on-screen as he […]
Three surprising things you probably didn’t know about Islam. This subject WILL affect you in the near future, so take the chance to inform yourself now – before it does. […]
Serious public religious discussion is all but impossible these days. It seems that to hold any serious religious belief is to offend those who don’t hold that particular belief. And […]
My readers may be interested in the article: Must Christian life involve religion? by Shirley Lancaster. “We need to rediscover spirituality as an interior journey and this will involve new […]
The concern here is not the noun issues, but the verb. The action of issuing suggests going, coming, or flowing out. Synonyms are egress and emergence. Think of issuing orders. […]
Official Chinese surveys now show that nearly one in three Chinese describe themselves as religious, an astonishing figure for an officially atheist country, where religion was banned until three decades ago.
Paul has been talking about our freedom in Christ, that in Christ people are free from superstition and godless cultural practices. He began this section in chapter eight talking about […]