This statement of faith is an effort to summarize and capsulize our understanding of the essential principles that Scripture teaches. So, it is more a function of the biblical narrative than of prooftexting. All such statements at some level will be inadequate to their mission.
Thank God that salvation is not a matter of human understanding, but of God’s grace. Understanding follows regeneration and increases with faithfulness.
By grace Through Faith In Christ
It all begins with grace…
Grace is the unmerited privilege of receiving God’s favor or blessing. Grace is given by God to produce faith. Faith produces obedience. Obedience produces understanding. Understanding produces growth in faith.
And issues from God’s sovereignty…
God, in His sovereignty, has determined the eternal destination of every person before time itself. But such knowledge is beyond human understanding. Because of the limitations of human beings, the gospel is couched in such a way as to appeal to the perception of free will in sinners. Because God predestines some people to salvation, believers seek to understand God’s Word.
It’s beyond our ability…
All people are completely unable to save themselves. Sinners struggle against God, but cannot bring about salvation.
But not God’s…
God bestows His grace upon whomever He chooses. People cannot cause God to give grace. God’s grace has already been given to His people from eternity. However, God’s grace causes the faithful to desire to satisfy Him with their obedience. The Holy Spirit inspires the faithful to desire to fulfill the conditions of God’s covenant. Obeying God involves proclaiming salvation in Jesus Christ to all people.
Christ already accomplished it…
The death of Christ on the cross provides atonement for all true believers. God is perfect and makes no errors. Many sinners do not receive God’s grace and salvation. Therefore, the atonement is effective only for those who are actually saved. Faith means trusting God personally for one’s own salvation, and that Christ’s atonement (sacrifice) applies to “me” personally. Christ’s atonement works for “whoever believes.”
God doesn’t make mistakes…
Those whom God truly calls are elected and saved in fact, because God is perfect and makes no errors. But because sinners doubt God, they think that their own power is greater than God’s, and that they are able to resist God’s Holy Spirit.
Hanging in there…
Those whom God truly calls are elect and, in fact, persevere in salvation because God is perfect and makes no errors. Because sinners doubt God, they believe that the world of circumstances is more powerful than God, and can doubt their salvation. But because God saves, and God is all-powerful, His saving is final. Obedience to God’s Word (Bible) provides assurance of salvation.