The life and teachings of the Apostle Paul have long inspired believers to embrace a faith marked by courage, vigilance, and love. His heartfelt words in Acts 20:31 to the […]
Phil continues as the Pastor at St. Paul’s Evangelical Church in Marietta, OH, and loves it. Part of his ministry as been to learn more about the history of the […]
I preached at St. Paul’s Evangelical Church today. June 2, 2019 Sunday service *= stand Prelude *Passing The Peace (Share signs & words of the peace of Christ with […]
It all really comes down to a matter of faith, not in Trump, but in Jesus.
Self Evident Political Correctness This article is in response to a family discussion on Facebook about the value and merits of Jordan Peterson (#jordanpeterson), in particular to Caitlin Flanagan’s article, […]
“Galatians – Backstory/Christory is a commentary of sorts on the book of Galatians though it differs from a traditional commentary in several key respects. The first chapter of the book […]
“…always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…” (1 Peter 3:15). Hope is essential for human […]
The teaching of Christ provides protection against the harshness of Old Testament law, and reveals God’s grace, which trumps God’s law for those who are “in Christ,” those who take advantage of Christ’s teaching. To read the Old Testament apart from the light of Christ constitutes a grave error for us who live on the resurrection side of the cross of Christ.
The world is awash in a theological conflict brought to the fore by the rise of ISIS. Yet, Western leaders continue the canard that ISIS has nothing to do with […]
“This book is concerned with the big picture of the Bible that is revealed by careful, thorough study of Scripture. This view of the history of Israel in the Old […]