Scripture does suggest that theology and science are intimately related in that God is central to the world and everything in it.
288 pgs. In this study of Colossians takes the doctrine of the Trinity seriously and applied it broadly. Its assumed it to be true of God, and therefore true of people because we are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). We are not trinitarian in the same way that God is, but in a similar way, in the way that the image of a thing is not identical to the thing, but is recognizably similar. God's trinitarian character is the "image" in which He created us because God's Trinitarian character is the way that He has revealed Himself to us. It is the "image" of Him that we are to "see" in Scripture. And occasionally, the idea of God as singularity seems to find expression in Scripture.
The assumption of the immediate reality of the Trinity adds a depth and texture to the biblical text that is not available apart from it. Why? Because if God’s character is trinitarian, then the characters of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are also trinitarian. There is both unity and multiplicity, individuality and corporality, in the Godhead and in reality because of the divine role that God plays in reality. The God of Scripture is both one and three at the same time without losing any of the meaning or uniqueness. God is also Son and Spirit. The Son is also Father and Spirit. The Spirit is also Father and Son. God’s identity is, then, both individual and corporate at the same time and without any loss of identity regarding the integrity of His wholeness or the individuals involved.
Paul was combating error — again. People forget that Paul was always correcting people — Christians! If it weren’t for people getting things wrong, Paul may not have written any letters. But as it was, the enemies of the gospel were hard at work in the early churches, twisting God’s Word every which way they could. They still are. So, Paul wrote to straighten them out. Thank God he did.
This is not a scholarly book. It’s an expanded sermon series that is intended to make the issues, concerns and truths of Paul’s letter to the Colossians come to life, God willing. Nor is it about black holes or singularities. It is about Colossians. It is about God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. It doesn’t hijack Colossians to justify the idea of God as a singularity. Rather, it suggests the complexity of God’s singularity, the Solas Christos Singularis of God, as a way to understand the depth and texture of Paul’s letter. This book is theology, not science. And yet, Scripture does suggest that theology and science are intimately related in that God is central to the world and everything in it.