Fascinating video about how money works, showing that money is actually nothing more than promises. So the correlation between keeping promises and financial health is made clear.
If you appreciate what this ministry is about, you can help. If you “see” the concern, if you “get it,” you not only can help but you must. This sin-soaked world needs you to help.
So, Bernard Madoff pled guilty and will go to jail. Not only do we taxpayers have to pay for his crime, but now we have to pay for his food […]
Something is very wrong, and the “authorities” are unlikely to fix it. Ostensibly, it is a financial crisis, and the financial world is surely a wreck. But the question we […]
The pundits are searching feverishly for the causes and cures of the current market meltdown. At this writing (Oct 13, 2008) the most likely culprits have been identified as the […]