“Galatians – Backstory/Christory is a commentary of sorts on the book of Galatians though it differs from a traditional commentary in several key respects. The first chapter of the book […]
The teaching of Christ provides protection against the harshness of Old Testament law, and reveals God’s grace, which trumps God’s law for those who are “in Christ,” those who take advantage of Christ’s teaching. To read the Old Testament apart from the light of Christ constitutes a grave error for us who live on the resurrection side of the cross of Christ.
Eternal life is sustainable life, to put it into current vernacular. And because eternal life begins with our salvation, it begins here, on this planet.
The failure to see the wholeness of a thing is the failure to see its essential character because it is its wholeness that defines it as the thing that it is. The failure to understand God’s holiness amounts to a failure to stand under His wholeness. People do this when they engage in compartmentalization, the unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid the mental discomfort.
The Error The thing that God doesn’t like is the failure to acknowledge His holiness, His wholeness. The failure to see the wholeness of a thing is the failure to […]
“The real divisions in humanity are moral and cultural, not genetic or racial. This is not just true in the contemporary age, it has always been true from the day […]
Paul’s admonition here is to not focus on these differences—Jew vs. Greek, bond vs. free, male vs. female—with regard to our inclusion in Christ. Rather, he said that we should […]
Again, Paul made much ado about σπέρμα (sperma), which is a plural noun used in the singular. Understanding how Paul used this term and what he meant by it is […]