“…students today have a minimum of accurate knowledge of the Bible or what Christianity is all about; they understand even less about Christian ethics. It is important to clarify what a Christian ethic should look like because there are so few exceptional examples of lived out Biblical Christianity. Most people have only a vague understanding of what Christian morality should look like. This book has as its educational purpose to bring to remembrance accurate knowledge of Christianity and of Christian ethics. It is specifically directed to those who may think they have an understanding of Christianity because they have an acquaintance with it but who are generally quite ignorant.” –from the Preface.
“…a readable, accurate, biblically-based guide to ethics … winsomely guides the uninitiated reader through the various debates about how to approach God’s Law as an ethical standard, helping the student to see the differences between legalism, theonomy and antinomianism. He draws on a variety of Christian apologists—Van Til, Schaeffer, Lewis, Bahnsen, Sire and Pink—but never overwhelms the reader. –Dr. John A. Sparks. Retired Dean of Arts & Letters and Professor of Law. Grove City College, Grove City, PA.
“When I was in college in the 70s books like A Primer on Biblical Ethics were commonly read by Christian students. We truly wanted to know how to respond to the moral upheaval of the sexual revolution and the confusion which was America at the time. Today, Mark Hamilton has met a need for college students who also are facing a country that has lost its moral and ethical compass. Not only will they learn about ethics but they will learn about the greatness of their God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. This book is sobering and I hope students today will read it and heed its great truths!”
–Joe Maggelet, Navigators and FCA Staff, Ashland University. Grace Brethren Elder/Pastor, Ashland, OH.