Practically Christian–Applying James Today

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Practically Christian–Applying James Today

The gospel is not just a head belief, nor a heart-felt experience.

141 pgs. This book seeks to shine the light of Scripture into the darkened recesses of the contemporary church by shining the light of James into the hearts of its contemporary readers. This is an intensely personal work in the sense that it attempts to get at issues that few people (or preachers) are willing to talk about, but are essential for the gospel to take root in our lives.

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About the Book

The gospel, James reminded his readers, is a practical way of life. And where the actual living of that way of life is not demonstrated in the lives of Christians, the Holy Spirit must be presumed to be absent and the faithfulness of such people called into question. The gospel is not just a head belief, nor a heart-felt experience. It is primarily a way of life. Initiated through the grace of God alone, the gospel is not the gospel apart from its actual, behavioral manifestation in the lives of believers (James 2:14).

This book seeks to shine the light of Scripture into the darkened recesses of the contemporary church by shining the light of James into the hearts of its contemporary readers. This is an intensely personal work in the sense that it attempts to get at issues that few people (or preachers) are willing to talk about, but are essential for the gospel to take root in our lives.

As such, it will provide a critique of the contemporary church from a biblical perspective, that of James. Many beliefs and practices of contemporary Christians and their churches will be found to be short of the biblical mark. As James has been grist for my mill, so this book is offered as grist for yours.

Author: Phillip A. Ross
Genre: Bible Study
Publisher: Pilgrim Platform Books
Publication Year: 2006
Format: 6 X 9
Length: 141 pgs.
ASIN: 0615176674
ISBN: 9780615176673
List Price: $7.95 ($2.99 - Kindle)
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