She always maintained with the utmost integrity that she was an ordinary person.
200 pgs. Doris was both a mother and a career woman. Her brood acquainted her with all the highs and lows of motherhood. Her working career was marked with a series of rapid promotions.
Her poetry reflects her life story and is deeply emotional, sensitive, yet brilliant, and portrays her struggle for liberation (to use a popular term).
Doris’ first marriage ended in divorce (and a child–me) within its first year. She remarried several years later and raised five children. Her brood acquainted her with all the highs and lows of motherhood. She returned to work when her youngest children were in high school.
Beginning as a secretary, she climbed the ladder of success in the field of her deepest interest and concern: education. Though her own formal education ended after only one year of college, she was self-educated through her voracious reading habit. Some say that she read in order to maintain sanity as she raised her brood. She soon became an Administrative Editor with The Education Commission Of The States (ECS) in Denver, Colorado, a position that usually required a Master’s Degree. Doris had a brilliant mind and was fortunate enough to be in a position in which her talents were recognized by her employer. Doris’ poetry attests to the fact that intellectual acumen and emotional sensitivity often go hand in hand.
She called herself “dross,” and would not allow anyone to put her on any kind of pedestal. She always maintained with the utmost integrity that she was an ordinary person. She sought no special accolades, though to her public dissatisfaction (but I think to her private satisfaction) she received some awards and recognition through her work and through her church.