
Galatians-cover-2“This book is concerned with the big picture of the Bible that is revealed by careful, thorough study of Scripture. This view of the history of Israel in the Old Testament will be shown to be the biblical view revealed to Paul in the light of Christ. It is not an argument against traditional theology, though it may seem to challenge various aspects of traditional theology. Rather, it is an effort to faithfully extend the traditional arc or growth of biblical theology as it unfolds in history. Biblical theology is a conversation about Scripture that has taken place over many centuries. The position articulated here, however successfully, issues out of and speaks to that discussion. Unlike those who seem to be trying to make a splash in the theological pool, this is an effort to gently lead into deep water because that is where Christ led Paul.” – from Galatians—History / Christory, Phillip A. Ross, 2016

In January Phil will publish Galatians—History / Christory, 292 pages. While Galatians is about law and gospel, the thesis of this book is that we cannot understand what Paul was saying apart from his understanding of law and gospel. And while Paul lived and studied under Second Temple Judaism, which colored his understanding, once converted he was adamantly opposed to it. His conversion utterly changed his mind about the Old Testament, and its major theme. So, the first fifty pages of this book provide a brief sketch of Paul’s new understanding of Old Testament history.

Buttal-coverA companion book will accompany it: Buttal & Rebuttal—A Collision of Belief & Unbelief, Phillip A. Ross, 135 pages. This is a dialog between a believer and an unbeliever, and demonstrates the complete incompatibility of those perspectives. I suspect that Paul encountered a similar kind of incompatibility with his Second Temple (ex)friends.
Stephanie continues to enjoy her work as a grantwriter and being a grandmother. She joined the ranks of Medicare this year.

Phil and Stephanie continue to work toward health and wellness, through increased diet and exercise, and so far their health continues to be good. They made two trips to St. Louis this year to visit the grandchildren and their parents, and the family visited them in Marietta in the summer. A good time was had by all, and the visits were full of joy, energy and the excitement of two small children.

This year Adam published the Soul Stone, book three of the twelve book The Word and the Sword series, and the first Word and the Sword Omnibus Edition containing books 1-3 of the series. He also published Murder in Althoris Square, the first novel in the Corvinus Finch fantasy/mystery series. He writes under the name A. T. Ross.

Austin and Audrey continue to work with CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). They led a summer international project and a winter break international project this year through Audrey’s work as an Operations Coordinator for Cru Mid-Atlantic Global Missions. Austin is working with students and faculty at West Chester University. They visited Marietta three times this year. One of Austin’s published short stories was recently nominated for the Pushcart Prize by the editors of Emerge Literary Journal.

Justin continues at Covenant Seminary, and with his work at Lami Wood Products in St Louis. Leah is the French Instructor at South City Community School. Brielle is in pre-school. Clark has a good role model in Brielle and is developing fast. They bought a home in St. Louis this year.

2015 in St. Louis
2015 Thanksgiving
2015 Thanksgiving
2015 Church Directory
2015 Church Directory

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