Fascinating video about how money works, showing that money is actually nothing more than promises. So the correlation between keeping promises and financial health is made clear.
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Fascinating video about how money works, showing that money is actually nothing more than promises. So the correlation between keeping promises and financial health is made clear.
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GRID_HIDE_STORE = false GRID_EXPAND_INLINE = true GRID_CSS_ID = zazzle GRID_HEADING = No Other Gods GRID_DESCRIPTION_START Pilgrim Platform store provides merchandise with a message. GRID_DESCRIPTION_END GRID_CONFIGURATION_VARS_START fCacheEnabled = false // username (on zazzle.com) of store you want to display (probably yours) szContributorHandle = paross_services // your associate/referral ID provided by Zazzle (leave blank to use the author’s) // the AssociateID determines to whom any referrals are credited. szAssociateID = ” // if true, about %5 of the time your store will use the author’s AssociateID // Thank you for supporting my development efforts! // if false, your store will only include your AssociateID (configured above or in include/_defaultconfig.php) fSupportAuthor = false //default is false // if true, clicking on item in store will open item in a new window (target=”_blank”) fOpenLinksInNewWindow = true fShowByLine = false fShowPagination = true fShowSorting = true fShowProductTitle = true fShowProductPrice = false fShowProductDescription = false fShowZazzleLogo = true // if true, system honors “nGridDescriptionWidth”, “nGridWidth”, “nGridCellSpacing”, and “nGridLeftPadding” // if false, those layout parameters are controlled by the stylesheet // “nGridDescriptionWidth”, “nGridWidth” support precise pixel measurements, -1 (for // “use all available width”), and percentages. (Be advised, percentages may be problematic // for browser compatibility.)…
[si-contact-form form='1'] Pilgrim Platform 149 E. Spring St. Marietta, OH 45750 740-376-9827 815-572-8039 – fax